Monday, February 24, 2020

Kadugannawa Ambalama - කඩුගන්නාව අම්බලම

The earliest recorded details on the ambalam were found in a stone inscription that dates back to the days of King Mahasen. The inscription speaks of a place called a mahavata vatussala, which means resting place alongside a main street. The ambalam are also mentioned in the Sandesha kavya—the Salalihini sandeshaya speaks about an ambalama which was built on the way from Kotte to Kelaniya, while the Gira sandeshaya speaks about the manner in which travellers who stayed in the Welithota ambalama recited poems and riddles.
In An Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon (1681), Robert Knox spoke of the ambalam as places where Sinhalese people visited to relax and talk about politics with other people in their community.

Some historic ambalam

Kadugannawa ambalama — Situated on the Colombo–Kandy road, this ambalama was built in the early 18th century to provide shelter for the merchants who visited the Kandyan kingdom. The Kadugannawa ambalama is considered a building with historic and archaeological value because it displays the architectural style of the ancient Kandyan Kingdom.

අම්බලම් පිළිබඳ පැරණිතම තොරතුරු මහසේන් රජුගේ කාලයට අයත් ශිලා ලේඛනයක තිබී හමු විය. සෙල්ලිපියෙහි මහාවුතු වතුසලා නම් ස්ථානයක් ගැන කථා කරයි, එයින් අදහස් කරන්නේ ප්‍රධාන වීථියක් අසල විවේක ස්ථානයකි. අම්බලම් සන්දේශ කාව්‍යයේ ද සඳහන් වේ.

ලංකාව නම් දූපත ගැන ඉතිහාසික සම්බන්ධතාවයක (1681) රොබට් නොක්ස් අම්බලම් ගැන කතා කළේ සිංහල ජනයා තම ප්‍රජාවේ සෙසු පුද්ගලයින් සමඟ දේශපාලනය ගැන විවේකීව හා කතා කිරීමට ගිය ස්ථාන ලෙස ය.

කඩුගන්නාව අම්බලම් ඉතිහාසය

කඩුගන්නවා අම්බලම - කොළඹ-මහනුවර මාර්ගයේ පිහිටා ඇති මෙම අම්බලමාව 18 වන සියවසේ මුල් භාගයේ ඉදිකරන ලද්දේ කන්දියන් රාජධානියට පැමිණි වෙළඳුන්ට නවාතැන් සැපයීම සඳහා ය. කඩුගන්නවා අම්බලම ඉතිහාසික හා පුරාවිද්‍යාත්මක වටිනාකමක් ඇති ගොඩනැගිල්ලක් ලෙස සලකනු ලබන්නේ එය පුරාණ කන්දියන් රාජධානියේ වාස්තු විද්‍යාත්මක ශෛලිය විදහා දක්වන බැවිනි.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Htauk Kyant War Memorial Cemetery in Yangon, Myanmar

The Htauk Kyant War Memorial Cemetery. beautifully kept ground. had 27.000 stone-graves of Commonwealth and Allied Forces Fallen Soldiers in the Myanmar Campaign were honourably kept. It is located in Mingaladon Township. Yangon Division about 32 km from Yangon. on the road to Bago.

The relatives of the Allied Forces Fallen Soldiers throughout the world used to visit the said War Memorial Cemeteries in Myanmar to pay homage to their respective Allied Forces Fatten Soldiers' Graves. The peoples of Myanmar never destroyed the graves of the Japanese Imperial Fallen Soldiers with hatred throughout the Country. Myanmars kept very well not only the graves of Japanese Imperial Fallen Soldiers but also all the Fallen Soldiers from all over the World from heartfelt humanitarian ground. Some relatives from Japan used to visit to pay homage yearly at their respective Japanese Imperial Fallen Soldiers' graves throughout the Myanmar.

Htauk Kyant war cemetery is the largest of the three war cemeteries in Myanmar. It was built in 1951 for the reception of graves from four battlefield cemeteries at Akyab. Mandalay. Meiktila and Sahmaw which were difficult to access and could not be maintained. The last was an original 'Chindit' cemetery containing many of those who died in the battle for Myitkyina. The graves have been grouped together at Htauk Kyant to preserve the individuality of these battlefield cemeteries Burials were also transferred from civil and cantonment cemeteries. and from a number of isolated jungle and roadside sites. Because of prolonged post-war unrest. considerable delay occurred before the Army Graves Service were able to complete their work. and in the meantime many such graves had disappeared. However. when the task was resumed. several hundred more graves were retrieved from scattered positions throughout the country and brought together here. The cemetery now contains 6.374 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War. 867 of them unidentified.

ශ්‍රවණාබාධ හදුනා ගැනීම. ඔබ යමෙක් පවසන දේ නැවත නැවත අසයි නම්; ඔබ රෑපවාහිනී නරඹන විට හෝ ගුවන් විදුලියට සවන් දෙන විට එහි ශබ්දය අනෙකුත් අයට වඩා ...